The European Award for Intervention in Architec...
The European Award for Intervention in Architec...
Once again, the Association of Architects for the Defence and Intervention in Architectural Heritage (AADIPA) and the Architects' Association of Catalonia (COAC) have announced the opening of registration for the 3rd edition of the European Award for Intervention in Architectural Heritage AADIPA.
Eva Franch: "New perspectives are needed b...
Eva Franch: "New perspectives are needed b...
Transgressive. Even “uncomfortable”, the Dean of COCA, Lluís Comerón, went on to say about Eva Franch’s conference. Architect and curator, Franch is Chief Curator and Executive Director of the Storefront for Art and Architecture in New York. Based in said city, her professional practiced is characterised by relating experimental art forms, design and architecture.
Josep Lluís Mateo: "Architecture is the to...
Josep Lluís Mateo: "Architecture is the to...
The Architecture Congress asked Josep-Lluís Mateo for a reflection on the values of architecture. This was a challenge not without difficulties, as COAC’s Dean, Lluís Comerón, acknowledged. But Mateo rose to the occasion with a lot of precision, serenity and, why not, also intimacy. He made it “abstract” and not from his personal of professional point of view, he explained.
Beatriz Colomina: "There is a need to buil...
Beatriz Colomina: "There is a need to buil...
The last lecture of the closing ceremony of the Architecture Congress was that of Beatriz Colomina, a PhD architect; a historian and a theorist specialised in the relationship between architecture, users and the media; and professor of History and Theory of Architecture and Director of the postgraduate program at Princeton University.
Juan Herreros: "The current architect is a...
Juan Herreros: "The current architect is a...
Madrid-based architect Juan Herreros opened the closing session of the Architecture Congress, and did so with a lecture on architecture’s general interest and its values to improve cities, the land and people’s lives.
Nominated works for the EU Mies Award 2017
Nominated works for the EU Mies Award 2017
The European Commission and the Fundació Mies van der Rohe have announced the list of 356 works competing for the 2017 European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award. The Prize is awarded biennially to works completed within the previous two years. The principal objective is to recognize and commend excellence and innovation in the field of architecture.
Enric Batlle: "We have the ability to reco...
Enric Batlle: "We have the ability to reco...
Land development and public space was the main theme of the conference of Catalan architect Enric Batlle. It revolved around three main aspects: ecology, leisure and production. “The will to preserve existing spaces must be a priority, we need to bring life back to places often forgotten by the general public”, he claimed. Batlle spoke about the need to act on degraded landscapes, not only on green and agricultural land.
The Catalan Prime Minister at the closing cerem...
The Catalan Prime Minister at the closing cerem...
Putting an end to six months of a participatory process was a challenge, to say the least. The chosen venue was Sant Antoni Market... under (re)construction. A privileged venue, because few people had accessed it before.
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park wins the Rosa Barb...
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park wins the Rosa Barb...
The design project for the parklands of the London Olympic Games has been granted the 9th Rosa Barba International Landscape Prize, given on September 30th in Barcelona, within the International Landscape Biennial of Barcelona. George Hargreaves, Mary Margaret Jones and Gavin McMillan, from Hargreaves Associates, are the authors of the project.
The yearbooks of the Architects’ Association of...
The yearbooks of the Architects’ Association of...
Checking information in the 27 Yearbooks published by the Architects’ Association of Catalonia between 1899 and 1930 is now even easier thanks to the digitization undertaken by the COAC Library's staff.
The Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbani...
The Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbani...
The 13th Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism (BEAU) goes to the United States for the very first time to exhibit at the Cooper Union in New York, before travelling on to France, Germany, Japan and Sweden.
Works featured at the seventh Architecture Exhi...
Works featured at the seventh Architecture Exhi...
On 7 July, the Torre Nova de Cal Pons hosted the presentation of the seventh Architecture Exhibition of Central Catalonia, including the prize-giving ceremony and the inauguration of the exhibition organized by the Architects’ Association’s regional offices in Bages-Berguedà and Osona.
Second International Exhibition of Catalan Arch...
Second International Exhibition of Catalan Arch...
The Architects’ Association of Catalonia (COAC), through the Taula de Mostres, is organising the second International Exhibition of Catalan Architecture in order to record, showcase and disseminate the work undertaken by Catalan architects working outside Spain.Registration closes on 15th October 2016. Registration is open to members of the COAC or other architects as specified in the rules.
'Atlas of Political Clichés', the new...
'Atlas of Political Clichés', the new...
A new issue of the journal Quaderns d'Arquitectura i Urbanisme will be available for Sant Jordi (St George's Day) this year. It is a double issue (266-267) which, under the heading 'Atles de clixés polítics' [Atlas of Political Clichés], explores some of the topics raised in the previous issue, 'Casa i contradicció' [House and Contradiction].
Award-winning projects at the 19th edition of t...
Award-winning projects at the 19th edition of t...
Award-winning projects at the 19th edition of the Architectural Awards of the Counties of Girona On 3 June 2016, the Girona branch of the Architects' Association held the award-giving ceremony for the 19th edition of the Architectural Awards of the Counties of Girona.
Architecture Congress 2016. Constructing and di...
Architecture Congress 2016. Constructing and di...
This year, the Architects’ Association of Catalonia is organising an Architecture Congress which will provide a meeting place for professionals, the general public and institutions to move forward with a new positioning of architecture that facilitates better responses to the new social, environmental and economic challenges facing society now and in the future.
Rosa Barba Landscape Prize finalists
Rosa Barba Landscape Prize finalists
The Rosa Barba International Landscape Prize is part of the 9th International Biennial of Landscape Architecture, which will be held in Barcelona on 29, 30 September and 1 October 2016. Once closed the call for submission of projects, the Jury selected 10 finalists, who will be presenting their projects during the Biennial.
Finalists for the European Prize for Urban Publ...
Finalists for the European Prize for Urban Publ...
The jury of the ninth edition of the European Prize for Urban Public Space 2016has selected the 25 finalists, which represent the best public space interventions in European cities in 2014 and 2015.
Unprecedented success of Catalan architects at...
Unprecedented success of Catalan architects at...
This year's Biennale is a clear sign that Catalan architecture is triumphing abroad. More than thirty Catalan firms are present at Venice's 15th Mostra Internazionale di Architettura, either showing their work as part of the 'Unfinished' exhibition in the Spanish Pavilion (where 40% of the architecture firms are Catalan), or taking part in the exhibition 'Aftermath_Architecture beyond architects', representing Catalonia at the Eventi Collaterali.
The COAC Archive and Library are collaborating...
The COAC Archive and Library are collaborating...
The Historical Archive and the Library of the COAC are collaborating in the exhibition ‘Barcelona. The Metropolis in the Age of Photography, 1860-2004’, which can be visited at La Virreina until 26 June 2016. The COAC has lent for this exhibition a total of 69 documents, including photos and journals.
A new series of activities begins at the COAC:...
A new series of activities begins at the COAC:...
On Thursday 3 March, at 7.30 pm, a new series of activities kicks off on the theme of ‘Absolutely moder(rr)n. An overview of new local architecture’, curated by Moisés Puente.
Entitat organitzadora: Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya