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Puente Arquitectónico a los Países Bajos, del 15 al 17 de junio

Biblioteca de Mecanoo Delft © Montanha Mágica Livros

El Col·legi organiza, conjuntamente con la arquitecta miembro de nuestra "Xarxa de Corresponsals" Marta Companys, un viaje de 3 días de duración a las ciudades holandesas de Rotterdam, Amsterdam y Delft. La visita tiene como objetivo que los despachos de arquitectura participantes conozcan de primera mano el mercado holandés, establezcan contacto con los despachos de arquitectura de allá, visiten diferentes proyectos arquitectónicos innovadores y puedan contrastar y compartir sus principales preocupaciones a la hora de internacionalitzarse.

Visitas programadas 
Además de las visitas a instituciones gubernamentales de internacionalització com son El ICEX y ACCIÓ, la agenda prevista incluye encuentros con despachos de arquitectos locales como Mecanoo, Siheruis y posiblemente OMA y visitas entre las cuales podemos destacar la que se hará al co-housing de Social Wonen de Delft; a varios monumentos históricos restaurados recientmente a Delft; a la zona de Amsterdam conocida con el nombre de “Eye-Overhoeks”, donde está planificado construir mucho en los próximos años; y al Rijksmuseum, donde nos acompañarán los arquitectos holandesos que han participado en la restauración realizada en el año 2014 por el despatcho sevillano Cruz y Ortiz. Aunque el Puente finaliza el día 17, existe la possibilidad de alargar el viaje hasta el 18 de junio, coincidiendo con la “Dag van de architectuur”, la “Semana de la Arquitectura”.

PROGRAMA: podéis consultar los detalles aquí.

BASES PARA PARTICIPAR E INSCRIPCIONES: podéis consultar las bases para poder inscribiros aquí (incluye formulario a cumplimentar)

DATA LÍMITE PARA INSCRIBIRSE: Atención prorroga de la fecha límite de inscripción que pasa a ser el 27 de mayo a las 20 h

Para qualquier duda o aclaración podéis contactar con internacional@coac.net


Exhibition in Amsterdam: 'The Sixties - A Worldwide Happening'

© Marta Companys i Sandro Sierhuis

As the Tropen Museum in Amsterdam states:

'The Sixties - A Worldwide Happening' is an exhibition which makes the 1960s feel amazingly close and recognizable because today’s world builds on the icons of yesterday. The exhibition offers a global view of the 1960s, an era when globalization as we know it first appeared.

Today’s world builds on the icons of yesterday
Arranged around several themes characteristic of the era, the exhibition shows how changes worldwide were expressed in graphic design, fashion, music, architecture and photography. Admire the legendary clothes of Jimi Hendrix, Yves Saint Laurent and Paco Rabanne. Have a look at work by the world-famous photographers Richard Avedon, James Barnor and Malick Sidibé. See models and plans for international projects by famous architects like Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright, Walter Gropius, Oscar Niemeyer and Willem Dudok.

The COAC Historical Archive has lent for this exhibition 4 historical models of projects by Le Corbusier, Wright and Gropius  in Baghdad. They are displayed in a futuristic-looking space, under a translucent balloon-shaped dome, which reflects the shades of flying objects. This attracts the attention of visitors, as we noticed.

Cultural exchange
In fashion, music, design and upbringing, signs of the extensive changes that were instigated in the sixties are still evident. Owing to the growing role of the media more and more people have an impression of the wider world and influence each other. For instance, the originally British miniskirt was also a fashion ideal in Thailand and Nigeria.

Step into The Sixties, it is a worldwide happening!
We visited de exhibition and were impressed by the setting. It provides a perfect view on the influences and interaction of the different disciplines and cultural movements in the sixties. At the beginning of the globalization proces, it was totally new for architects to travel over the world and develop projects in other continents. A very powerful tool to communicate with clients and politicians was the scale model. Easy to transport and universal to understand for audiences with different cultural backgrounds.

The exhibition can be visited until 13th March in Amsterdam
Tropen Museum www.tropenmuseum.nl
Address: Linnaeusstraat 2, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday 10 AM - 5 PM.
Contact: info@tropenmuseum.nl +31 (0)88 0042800

Marta Companys Taxés, Sandro Asger Sierhuis. COAC’s Correspondents in Holland.
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Selecció de professionals arquitectes per treballar a Alemanya

© Polybert49 Creative Commons
En virtut del conveni de col·laboració entre la Generalitat de Catalunya i el govern de Baden-Württemberg (Alemanya) per fomentar la mobilitat laboral entre ambdós territoris, es preveu la selecció de professionals qualificats que vulguin treballar en aquesta regió alemanya. 

Els arquitectes que estigueu interessats en l'oferta de feina heu d'enviar el currículum i carta de presentació abans del 15 de febrer.

No és necessari disposar d'un nivell previ d'alemany, ja que els serveis públics d'ocupació / EURES de Baden-Württemberg i Catalunya valoraran els perfils dels sol·licitants i oferiran formació en llengua alemanya al Goethe Institut de Barcelona fins assolir el nivell idoni per ocupar el lloc de treball.

Més informació sobre l'oferta

Quota reduïda per a col·legiats expatriats
Des del servei Internacional del COAC us recordem que tots aquells que estigueu interessats en treballar a altres països i volgueu continuar vinculats al Col·legi d'Arquitectes podeu modificar la modalitat de col·legiació durant  la vostra estada a l'estranger per tenir la quota reduïda de col·legiat expatriat.

Més informació sobre les modalitats de col·legiació


© Marta Companys, Noord Zuid Architectuur.

On 19th-21st June and coinciding with the 'Dag van de Architectuur' (Day of Architecture) in the Netherlands, the office Noord Zuid Architectuur organized a 'Spanish Architectural Business Meeting'. The aim of the meeting was to establish links, exchange experiences with architects and Dutch offices, study the possible collaborations with university professors from both countries, attract Dutch investors/customers for projects in Catalonia/Spain and make contact with the ICEX and ACCIÓ in the Netherlands.

In the Netherlands architects were welcomed by Enrique Fanjul and his team in the Economic and commercial Office of the 'Ministerio Español de Economía y Competitividad' in the Hague (ICEX). We were also accompanied by Rosa Isabel Peña, lawyer at Roca Junyent law firm, specialist in administrative law, public procurement, town planning and environment and the dutch architect Sandro Sierhuis. We started with a work-lunch with Spanish products, immediately followed by presentations of the participating architects. Mr. Fanjul gave a presentation about different topics such as the current situation of the Dutch market in relation with the Spanish economy and he also supplied information about what kind of actions ICEX can offer Spanish professionals abroad.

At the end of the event Dr Architect María Jesús Gonzalez guided the group on a tour along the most interesting buildings in the centre of the Hague.

In the evening the group was invited to a business dinner where each of the architects presented their experiences and challenges facing the internationalization, especifically with regard to the Dutch market.

On Saturday morning the group visited the social housing project (Centraal Wonen Delft – co-housing) designed by Flip Krabbendam in the 1970s, who was present to explain the context in which the project was drawn up, and guide the Group on a tour in and around the project. The Catalan representatives and Dr architect Flip Krabbendam were both interested in the actual situation regarding shared housing in Catalonia and the Netherlands, and they were very enthousiastic about the idea of exchanging experiences on the subject at an academic and professional level.

The group also visited the Delft Central Station, designed by ‘Mecanoo’. A presentation about this project and the transformation of the surrounding area, designed by Joan Busquets took place at the office ‘Delftbouwt’.

Ms. Natascha Bijsterveld of the Acció Office of the BENELUX in Brussels accompanied the group at mid day. In her presentation she explained the possibilities for the architects to become part of the Acció projects in the Benelux or in other parts of the world. Questions where answered and views and perspectives where exchanged.

Afterwards visits where made to the university library designed by Mecanoo, a local architectural office DP6 they explained their experience on working with BIM and a social-cultural-gastronomical facility ‘Lijm en Cultuur’ that is located in the former ‘Lijm en Gelatine Fabriek’, the glu and gelatin factory.  The day ended in Gouda enjoying the activities of Gouda “Waterstad” (Gouda city of water) which is held each June along the canals of the city.

On Sunday the group brought a visit to the most interesting places of the architectural centre of Rotterdam with a lunch at the BasQ restaurant in the ‘Martkthal’, designed by MVRDV. At this locaton Dr. architect Miquel Pèrez Sanchez presented his research on a new architectural approach to the Egyptian culture and the hidden geometry in the construction of the pyramids.

In view of the succes of this meeting we are already working on a second edition of a ‘Spanish Architectural Business Meeting’ which will take place in 2016, again coinciding with the ‘Day of the Architecture’ in The Netherlands.

By Marta Companys Taxés, Noord Zuid Architectuur.
COAC International Correspondent in Gouda, The Netherlands.

Anna Brullet: "A very interesting meeting and an enrichment by its diversity (its topics, its places, situations and assistants). The excellent reception as well as the information that was offered to us at the offices of ICEX. The guided tour of the Hague led by the architect Dr. María Jesús Gonzalez as well as the visit of the "social housing project" with architect Dr.  Flip Krabbendam designer of the project. 

Finally thanks for the excellent organization by the architect Marta Companys Taxes of Noord Zuid Architectuur which achieved the goal to establish experiences and job links between the two countries that are already beginning to pay off. She created a perfect atmosphere in a friendly work climate during the different activities which took place during this weekend.

Silvia Ortiz de Elgea: "The visit to Holland organized by Noord Zuid Architectuur was for my office very interesting. Firstly the reception by ICEX in the Hague. It was a first insight into the Dutch reality in relation to potential customers or collaborations with my office.  For my experience events like this have a key role for adding synergies.

Knowing the actual reality of the Netherlands –  I knew how it was earlier because I studied here as an Erasmus student – it helped me to understand the architectural transformation of the different scenarios we visited. Moreover it was special to visit those places together with Dutch and Spanish architects based in the Netherlands which helped to connect en talk about possible future architectural projects in both countries. Encouraging intercultural relations between architects  for me has always been rewarding. Without these contacts everyone realizes his work in his own way because one is not familiar with the work of colleagues. It was an intensive, interesting and on top of that a very nice weekend. “

Marta Companys, COAC International Correspondent in Gouda, The Netherlands.
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